Fernside Road Parking
Hop Brook WMA
Lee, MA
Wildlife Viewing | Hunting
The Hop Brook WMA has great hunting opertunities. The fields and brushy areas provide ample opertunites to hunt for woodcock and stocked ring-necked pheasants. Hop Brook and its associated marshes provide habitat for waterfowl hunting while the uplands are good for deer hunting Hop Brook is good for trout fishing and one can bushwack through the brush to reach the Housatonic river which has good trout, pike, & bass fishing. This section of the Housatonic River is designated a Catch and Release area All fish caught must be released. Fishing allowed with artificial lures only. The use of natural or artificial baits such as worms, shiners or other live bait, cheese, corn, or salmon or other fish eggs is prohibited.
This parking area is also a perfect place to begin a bike loop through the Hop Brook WMA. The roads through the park are paved, wide, and well-maintained, meaning that road biking or walking through the meadows and over the Housatonic River bridges is a fulfilling experience for people of all ages and abilities. Visitors to the Berkshires can genuinely connect and engage in the stunning landscapes at Hop Brook, as they can enjoy walking through the meadows, looking for birds and animals near the river, and viewing the scenic mountain backdrop.
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