Lenox Community Center
Lenox, MA
Tennis/Pickleball | Playgrounds | Basketball
Edith Wharton Park is a hidden gem in Lenox, MA, where visitors can enjoy a short and flat hike around a grassy meadow that leads to multiple stopping points along Laurel Lake. The grassy trail travels along the meadow's perimeter, allowing visitors to enjoy the lush grasses and colorful wildflowers for the entire journey. In the early morning or late afternoon, the large variety of bird and insect species in the park create a symphony for all to hear. Hikers should watch the sky and the ground for birds and small mammals, such as rabbits, that love darting through the tall grass. Multiple points along the trail have access to Laurel Lake, where visitors can plunge into the cool, quiet water and enjoy the mountain views.
Limited parking is available along the dirt road leading to the park, so visitors should expect to park along the street near the entrance to the meadow. Edith Wharton Park is adjacent to The Mount, Edith Wharton's ancestral home. Between the beautiful meadow walk and The Mount, visitors to Edith Wharton Park will have countless activities to engage in that are fun for the whole family.
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